Monday, August 10, 2015

Trending: Dog was Shot Dead By a Former Police Just Because of it's Loud Bark and was Bragged by his Daughter!

We've seen too much news about animal cruelty and how these defenseless animals being tortured and killed. Because of these alarming news and videos, we are now aware on what those inconsiderate people does to our co-earthlings.

Image from Facebook
Just like what a former police man did to a defenseless dog that doesn't even know what is happening on his surroundings.

A recent post from Rox Cecilio Lizardo, the daughter of the said former policeman just posted and bragged about what her father just did. It seems like Rox and her friend Allison Villanueva are enjoying what her heartless father have done to the poor dog, shooting it down to death without any valid reason.

Screenshot from Facebook
Screenshot from Facebook
Screenshot from Facebook
Elaine Fermin, the owner of the poor dog posted and confirmed what Rox's father did.

"My 9yr old dog who was shot without any reason by a former police, Dominador Capispisan AKA Ding"

Screenshot from Facebook
This story enraged the netizens on social media, hunting down the accounts of the people involved in this incident.

What are your thoughts about this animal cruelty? Does the former police should pay for his inconsiderate action?

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