Monday, August 10, 2015

3-Year-Old Boy Blinded After a Close Up Shot While Camera Flash is On

Everyone is wondering if it's real when you took photos of a baby using a camera with flash on could really damage their eyes?

Image from Wereblog
According to an article from Wereblog, a 3-month-old baby suffered irreparable damage to his eyes after a family friend took a photo of him at a very close range while the flash of the camera was turned on.

The parents of the awful baby noticed something wrong in their son's vision after the picture was taken.

According to his attending physician, the flash of the camera which was held in about 10 inches away from the baby's face caused blindness in the boy's right eye and reduced vision in his left eye. It damages the cell in the boy's macula.

The doctors said that the damage to this poor baby's eyes was permanent and won't be corrected by surgery.

However, this story might be hoax because of it has lack of evidence according to Snopes.

Watch how the macula works:

Source: Wereblog

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