Saturday, October 10, 2015

This Husband's Priceless Reaction When His Wife Got Pregnant After 17 Years!

A lot of couples' ultimate goal is to have a family composed of a loving husband , caring wife and a lovely child. This dream is not exactly how it goes for a lot of couples as they are struggling to have a child. You might hear a story of a friend who is waiting for a baby for 6 , 7 or 10 years and others might already given up but this story that you will witness will make you believe that "Nothing is Impossible" as long as we don't lose hope and keep on fighting.

Danna Griffin-graves and her husband Arkell Graves was hoping for a child since they got married for 17 years, They almost give up for hoping as they've been suffered from four miscarriages and one stillbirth.

But miracle happened when Danna noticed some changes in her weight, After she consult to a doctor undergo for so much laboratory exam they found out that her gaining wait for no reason is due to her pregnancy.

Danna was so excited to inform her husband about this good news, she knows that it will surely burst him to tears. watch how she did and the reaction of her husband.

Source: Wereblog

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