Friday, December 18, 2015

She Was Gonna Blew Her Nose Because of Her Cold... But this Terrifying Thing Happened!

When you blow your nose too hard, you increase pressure in your sinus, ear and brain and researchers say that this could be dangerous. This is what happened to the 32-year-old woman who blew her nose too hard that her eyes bulged out!

The unnamed woman stated that she blew her nose in a forceful manner then after some time, she noticed that her eye has ballooned and became the size of a golf ball. She couldn’t see anything in this manner and she couldn’t open her eyes because of the swelling.

The woman underwent a series of test and doctors confirmed that her case is orbital emphysema. A state where swelling occurs after air is forced into the soft tissue of the eye. She was still lucky because if the swelling is left untreated, she could have gone blind. She was given by the doctors’ antibiotics to decrease the swelling and disappear in around 2 weeks.

To all of us, blowing of nose is a normal thing. But let be more careful on how hard you do and how much pressure you put on your nose or else you end up having your eyes become a size of a golf ball.

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