Saturday, April 30, 2016

MUST WATCH: Beauty Wonders of Baking Soda!

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is used as agent to expand doughs, batters and other baking goods. Without it, our bread will be as hard as stone. However, baking soda has other uses. You will be amazed as you realize such wonders that can completely transform you.

Aside from its anti-inflammatory properties, it has alkaline that can fight bacteria, fungi and other germs. It has a composition that is very good with battling certain colds and oral issues.

Furthermore, baking soda is reliable in:

Controlling pimples- mix baking soda with lemon and apply the mixture on your skin before bedtime. Avoid using it during the day because lemon can damage your skin if directly exposed to the sun.

Scaling off dead skin cells- mix one portion of water with 3 parts of baking soda, then leave it in the area that you want yo exfoliate. Cleanse it with warm water. It is advisable to apply moisturizer after.

Keeping elbows and knees moisturized- Mixing baking soda in your moisturizer is one way of avoiding cracks on your elbows and knees.

Retaining moisturized hands- apply a mixture of baking soda and water onto your hands to achieve a "princess-like" hands.

Relaxing the feet- soak your feet in a mixture of 3 tablespoons baking soda and water. Wash it after and you will surely have your feet relaxed.

Washing out dirt from your hair- put an ample amount of baking soda to your shampoo. Gently massage it to your hair and rinse it after 10 minutes.

Bleaching the teeth- put a little baking soda and salt in your toothpaste to whiten the teeth and avoid having bad breath.

Getting rid of unwanted orders- Spread it in your house where you smell unwanted odors. It can also be used to avoid body odor.

Here is a video to explain the uses of baking soda:

Sources: YouTube / TheArtikuloUnoNews

SHOCKING: Avril Lavigne Allegedly Died and Cloned by Illuminati?

PNoy Compared Martial Law As Duterte's Leadership In His Speech!

SCARY: A Man Seen on CCTV Passing Through the Wall!

Friday, April 29, 2016

VIDEO: Tanim Bala Airport Modus! Shocking Truth Revealed!

The "Tanim Bala" modus operandi was a great shock to all passengers of airports in the country. The technique is to plant an evidence, specifically a bullet, in the bag of passengers to make it look like a violation of the rules about fires and ammunitions in the terminals. Since the rattled passenger will panic, certain people will negotiate and ask for a bribe, so the traveler can be freed and avoid any charges or imprisonment. It caught the attention of the public after several consecutive cases were reported.

The most recent incident that enraged the public is when security personnel found a bullet inside Salvacion Cortabista's hand bag. The sick woman and her husband were not able to board the plane bound for the USA. She is going there to undergo a medical procedure. When their baggages went through the last x-ray, airport authorities realized the bullet inside the old lady's bag. According to the Cortabistas, there were airport security personnel who tried to ask for a bribe so they can go on with the flight without any hassle.

Surprisingly, a CCTV video was provided to the media showing some security officials acting strangely. You may check the video below:

If ever this issue has basis, this should be stopped and those who are involved must be jailed. Share this post and warn your friends and relatives.

Sources: YouTube / TNP

Shocking: A Man Decided To Pull Out His Curled Hair On His Face And An Unexpected Thing Happened!

We all know that our face is the most exposed part of our skin. Sometimes we encounter strange bumps on its surface that are not exactly pimples. It looks dark with something inside that is somewhat bothering. Could it be ingrown hairs?

Ingrown hairs are hair follicles that have grown inside, rather than upward or outside the skin, on a pore resulting in a bump because it continues to grow inside. This condition is more common to people having curly or rough skin that is more likely to bend back to the surface and reenter the skin, usually after shaving or cutting off.

Pimple Popper, Dr. Sandra Lee, her famous videos that feature our skin were really surprising and nasty. This inspired a guy who posted pictures of the actual removal of his ingrown hair. Not an ordinary hair, but you will be surprised at the succeeding pictures below. 

The hair looks it is curled up and disturbing.

He came to a resolution to remove the said hair using tweezers.

He bravely pulled the hair in which he thought that it was easy.

Source: YouTube / Wereblog

MUST WATCH: Isko Moreno Slammed Karen Davila After Answering a Controversial Question?

Do It For 15 Days And You Will See How Your Unwanted Belly Fats Disappear!

Many people today are getting conscious with their body. They are watching for what they eat and having a regular exercise. It is good to watch on your health, especially when you are getting older. Vegetables, fruits and foods that are rich in protein are the best partners in your diet menu.

One of the major problems is the unwanted fats that make our body look so annoying and lower down our self confidence. As they said, that losing belly fat is the hardest thing to do.

But don't you worry, just follow this simple but powerful remedy that can burn your unwanted belly fats quickly.


1 kg of Lemon

1 bag of Baking Soda

3 liters of Water

5-6 laces of Parsley

How to prepare:

First, you need to wash the lemon in the cold water and place it in a bowl and then fill it with warm water. Mix the baking soda in the water. Keep the lemon inside and leave it for an hour.

Next, chop the parsley including the stem in small pieces. Chop also the lemon including the rind.

Mix all together the parsley and lemon inside the pot and pour 3 liters of water as well. In a low heat, let it boil for 2-3 hours. Strain the mixture.

Drink it for 15 days every morning on an empty stomach. One dose should be the size of a brandy glass. After 15 days you will notice the development of your body shape.

Source: TNP

A Video Of A Man Bullying A Disabled Man In The Street!

Extending help to the needy is the right thing to do. Especially to those who are living in the streets and disable people who are begging for money for a living. But some people consider it as tolerating to those who are lazy to work.

But how would you react if you found out that the one you are helping with is a fake one?

Like one incident in the street where a man ran to the disable man and pulled him out of his wheelchair. 

The man approached the amputated man.

The man pulled the disable man out of his wheelchair.

The disable man removed the blanket and stood up.

Watch the video below to see the full story:

Sources: YouTube / Wereblog

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

MUST SEE: Cheating Has Scientific Basis?

This might be weird, but cheating is one of the most common reasons why couples don't last nowadays. Many look at it as a simple mistake or society has a view that cheating is normal especially to men. However, the gravity of this inhumane act, although ignored, is still abominable. Imagine kissing your mistress before kissing your wife and children at home. Or doing the sexual act with your boyfriend's best friend? How can that be a "mere mistake?"

Surprisingly, science has an explanation why people commit this act. According to studies, cheating is correlated to the gene coding for a dopamine receptor. Commonly known as "happy hormone," it is the same factor that is vital in exercising and orgasmic activities.

Here is a video to explain the whole study:

Although it is apparent that cheating has scientific basis, I still believe that this act is an option. We have the ability to think and distinguish right from wrong. If you cheat, you chose to do it and no other factors should justify an obnoxious act to make it look like more valid and tolerable.

Share your thoughts in the comment box. :)

Source: YouTube / ChosenTrends

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

MUST WATCH: How Much Is Your Girlfriend?

How Can You Identify That You Encountered A Ghost?

Ghosts, in general, are souls of a dead person which can be seen or felt by living people. They usually appear to the people related to them for a visit, meant for comforting and sometimes their presence is somewhat restless due to some circumstances. Most of us are being frightened by these creatures because there are ghosts that do not look good or just be felt that we experienced goosebumps.

Have you encountered ghosts? There are indications to tell you that their presence is real.

At first, you may become uncomfortable as if someone is looking at you, but when you check the surroundings, there is none. In addition, you will feel a sudden cold in your body and lastly to convince yourself that it is really a ghost, you may see an unusual image of a human or an animal.

Below is a checklist of other signs that you really encountered a ghost:

Someone Calls Your Name
If someone calls your name and no one is there, probably the ghost tries to connect or communicate with you, regardless of the ghost's intention.

A Howling Dog
Dogs have the power to sense unusual presence in the environment that humans do not. Dogs, typically, are guards in your house so if your pet barks and no one is approaching, maybe a ghost is having a visit to your territory.

An Unusual Fragrance
You may encounter an odor that is rare and unusual from nowhere and it will fade right away.

Blinking Lights
Considering that light bulbs are not defective and flow of electricity is in constant, flickering light is another sign of a spirit.

That Gust Of Wind
Suddenly, a wind at rush in a short span of time that you may feel its coldness and you may have goosebumps too.

Breathing On Your Shoulder
A heavy feeling in your shoulder that is somewhat breathing is a rare sign due to the fact that ghosts are not alive, therefore not breathing.

The Sound Of A Tap
Uncommon footsteps and sound of leg chains are something you have to pay attention, though not frequently. A music that you do not know the source, when no one is around could be a sign of their presence.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Viral: A Testimonial Of A Woman On What Kind Of Person Mayor Duterte Is!

Shocking: A Mom Was Shocked With What Her Husband And Daughter Doing!

Despite of busy schedules to sustain a living, parents do not notice how their children grow as fast as they expected. Most of them do not have ample time to spend with their children. 

However, in this video, daddy Michael ensured that he had enough time to do an unusual routine with his daughter, Lauren, not just to perform well in dancing, but also to surprise his wife Lynne.

Lynne had no idea about this until she saw her daughter and her husband were performing on the stage. Watch how they successfully made their special someone so happy.

Sources: YouTube / ChosenTrends

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Warning: Your Toilet Seat Might Cause You Danger! SHOCKING!

DIY: Most Powerful Breakfast Meal That Can Burn Fats Easily!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides you with the energy and nutrients that leads to increase concentration on what you are doing. According to studies, breakfast has an important role in losing weight. The key to lose weight is to eat bananas, oats and foods that are high in Resistant Starch (RS) because it signals your body to use fat for energy.

Here is one recipe that is very nutritious and healthy that will help you to lose weight and suitable for your breakfast:


-1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
-2 tablespoon of oat flakes
-1 tablespoon of ground flax seed
-300 ml kefir (low fat yogurt)
-5-7 fleshy plums

How to prepare:

1. Boil a 100ml of water around the dried plums. Let it boil for 10-15 minutes and set aside.

2. In another container, mix the cocoa, oat flakes and flaxseed.

3. Add the kefir in the dry ingredients and set aside.

4. Make a puree with the plums. Mix it to the kefir.

5. Mix it well and keep it inside your fridge.

Do it regularly and you will see the development after a couple of months.

Sources: YouTube / TNP

MUST SEE: She Thought It Was Just a Pimple, Until She Was Diagnosed of a Fatal Disease!

Being vain when it comes to looks and appearance is important, as it can boost self-confidence. That is why Jude started to maintain her complexion by going to an indoor tanning salon since she was 13. He has been doing this 3 times a week.

However, the procedure had a different effect to her. Wrinkles and blemishes started to appear when was 26 years old. There is one specific dot that appeared to her nose.

Jude honestly thought that it was just a simple pimple. And just like what other girls do, she popped it. The blemish was healed, but it got worse after a month. Her nose started to decay. By her surprise, she was diagnosed with cancer. She was advised that if it will not be removed via surgery, her whole face is at stake.

She then decided to undergo a skin grafting. The doctor took a portion of her chest skin to make it successful. Gladly, her face was saved.

Here is a video that will reveal the danger that indoor tanning can give us:

Source: YouTube / TNP

Shocking: Coffee in the Morning is Dangerous to Your Health?

LIVE Stream: 3rd PiliPinas Debates 2016!

Shocking: Watch What Did The Homeless Man Do With The Man Who Doesn't Have Money To Buy His Sick Daughter Some Medicines!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

WARNING: Do Not Ever Sleep With Your Pets On The Bed!

Dogs and cats are the most common pets in our house. They are very sweet and talented pets that you could ever have. Other people treat them as their baby. They are dressing it up, having their hair cut in the salon and also have a regular check up from their favorite vet.

Image from: TNP
Image from: TNP
And sometimes, people are sleeping together with their pets on the bed. But don't you know that your life is in danger when you are doing it? Because these pets are usually carrying microorganisms and several parasites that could harm you and bring diseases.

Image from: TNP
Always remember that "Prevention is Better Than Cure".

Source: TNP

MUST WATCH: China is Robbing "Soil" From the Philippines for Artificial Island Construction in Spratlys Region!

One of the difficult issues that the Aquino administration has been facing is the territorial dispute against China. It even reached the UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea). 

The Philippines filed a case against China because of the latter's claim that the Spratlys archipelago belongs to them. It has been on-going and everybody is keen to know the result.

Apart from that, there is a revelation that China is unlawfully getting and smuggling "soil" from the Philippines to supply it in building the artificial islands in the disputed region.

Image from: TNP
According to the reports of Manila Live Wire, cargo vessels are seen in Davao Oriental transporting huge amounts of soil. These are used to coat the portions of the sea. There were islands already built and the Chinese government is looking to construct more.

Image from: TNP
Image from: TNP
Also based on reports, it has been months since this illegal act started. But it has not been
Revealed and authorities have not taken any actions yet. Atty. Elly Pamatong seconded these reports and confirmed that there is really a stealing of soil in Davao Del Norte.

Image from: TNP
You may watch this video showing the alleged island construction:

Sources: Facebook / TNP

Friday, April 22, 2016

READ: A Sexually Maltreated Lady Came in to Defend Mayor Duterte with An Open Letter!

MUST WATCH: Making Any Kind Of Exercises Will Not Help You To Lose Weight!

There are a lot of workouts that you can do in order to lose weight. You can do running, brisk walking, going to the gym, do yoga and a lot of more. But don't you know that these exercises should be practiced with the appropriate shape of your body.

You need to know first which body type you have before doing such exercises. This will help you maximize all the weight loss and achieve the dream shape that you want for your body.

These are the four types of body for female:

1. Apple-Shaped Body 

What to eat: Half of your plate should have fruits and vegetables. There should be rice, quinoa and oatmeal. Eat fish, beans, peas, nuts and organic cheese, because these foods are filled with protein.

How to exercise: Brisk walking and jogging along with weight training and yoga is appropriate to this type of body.

2. Pear-Shaped Body

What to eat: This type of body, stores fats very fast so you need to eat food that is rich in protein. The diet should always include fruits and vegetables. Carbohydrates such as beans, grains and lentils.

How to exercise: Focus on the lower half of your body. Do cardio workouts. You can do biking and running. But you also need to train the upper part of the body to maintain strength.

3. Rectangle or Straight Body
What to eat: This type of body should eat food which is rich in fats such as avocados, fish, and nuts. Always eat vegetables and fruits.

How to exercise: Do workouts that can develop the muscle in your body. Keep an extra weight off the middle part of your body to make human form. It is important to have weight training.

4. Hourglass-Shaped Body

What to eat: Your main dish should be vegetables and fruits. Quinoa is the best whole grains that you can eat. Always avoid eating high-fat meats, processed foods, caffeine and sugars.

How to exercise: Focus on the parts of your body where fats are building up. Do a full body workout.

Hope these simple tips can help you achieve your wanted shape.

Source: YouTube / TNP

A Video Of Mystica Together With Her Very Young Boyfriend Goes Viral On Social Media!

Mystica and Troy Mendez's relationship seems like not acceptable by the people, when they started dating and eventually got married. Besides on their relationship, the couple is also famous on video scandals which is, again, circling online.
Let's have a recap on how they met. As we all know, Mystica (Real name Ruby Rose Villanueva) is a singer known in her splitting technique while performing. Aside from being a performer, she also handles talents such as a girl group named Mystic Angels and a band named Mysticos. Troy Mendez (Real name Edwin Nuas a.k.a. Kid Mendez) was one of his talents.

The manager-talent relationship was getting deeper and became partners and got married last April 15, 2013 held at Aberdeen Court, Great Eastern Hotel in Quezon City

Their relationship and marriage caught so much attention of the people due to big age gap (22 years) and there were times that they received negative feedbacks. Despite of those negativities from their bashers, they just ignored it because they believe that they are fated with each other.

Image from: ChosenTrends
"Age does not matter. Everyone deserves love. Regardless."

Source: ChosenTrends

MUST SEE: Men Were Allured After Seeing This Drunk Lady in a Club!

Bar-hopping has been one of the common pastimes, especially to teens. You also cannot take away the influence of liquor and cigarette as young ones enjoy. In this kind of hobby, there are people who go beyond the limit. They do not mind getting drunk to the extent that they are being abused.

A lady was on "beast mode" as she posted her sentiments with her experience in a club. The girl was allegedly judged and harassed because of being intoxicated while in a pub. On her social media account, she said:

Image from: Facebook 
A photo showing her sleeping on a couch is also with her post. This photo made all guys crazy.

Image from: Facebook
Along with our right to enjoy is our responsibility to act accordingly. No one has the right to say what's good or bad for us, but we should have that personal control over things. Alcoholic drinks should not control us. Respect is something that you do not ask, but it is something that you earn. It's not how much you spend in a bar, if you cannot buy class then you're nothing. :)

Source: Facebook / ChosenTrends

ATTENTION: Health Risks of Wearing Underwear at Night!

Sleeping is the most important time where our body can rest and regain lost strength from a long day. The human body also has a very mysterious way of regenerating when asleep. However, there are certain situations that put our body at risk during sleep.

According to experts, eating an enormous amount of dinner might put your heart and pancreas in a dangerous situation. There is also a myth that prohibits sleeping after taking a bath without drying our hair first. It is believed to be the cause of headache and migraine.
But this recent study is truly terrible. According to Dr. Brian Steixner, wearing boxers or briefs while asleep has harmful effects to a man's potency. Based on his research, the undergarment, if worn at night, can lower down the quality of sperm that the body can produce.
Image from: TNP
"Your nether regions need to be just the right temperature in order to optimize sperm productions. More bacteria make for a higher likelihood that chafed or irritated skin down, there becomes affected," Steixner said.

Also, he mentioned that wearing nothing is even better. It lowers down the body temperature, which gives us a sounder sleep.

Image from: TNP
Share this post with all of your friends and warn them. :)

Source: TNP

Watch: Mayor Rodrigo Duterte Has Psychological Issues?

Amidst this heating campaign, presidential candidates are very busy with their day-to-day schedule. Aside from that, they also give time mudslinging, aiming to destroy the credibility of their opponents and convince the public to give them their votes.

Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is known for his straightforward statements and outspoken personality. Because of these characteristics, a lot of controversies are being thrown to him. The most recent issue is about his 'rape joke,' which he admitted to be bad. Another argument that has been viral, especially in social media, is Duterte's psychological stability.

According to a report flashed on ABS-CBN, the Mayor's psychological assessment shows that he has "Narcissistic Personality Disorder." As Wikipedia defines it, a personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and often others. The test was done year 2000 and allegedly became the grounds for annulment of his wife, Elizabeth Zimmerman.

In an interview, Duterte refused to talk about the issue and insisted that the matter should be between him and Zimmerman. "I will not answer... That is between me and Elizabeth," he said. Sarah Duterte came in defense for his father. "It doesn't really reflect who he is as a public servant, as a politician, as a government official," she stated. The younger Duterte also clarified that his father and mother are in speaking terms.

Watch the video of the said news report here:

This might be true, but as a politician, Mayor Duterte should be prepared of all the propaganda. All of his loopholes will be used against him. This just means that he is the most feared candidate in all the presidential bets. Is it because he tops the most recent surveys? What do you think? :)

Sources: ABS-CBN / TNP / Wikipedia

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Controversial: Watch The Video Of Allegedly Vote Buying By The Campaign Team Of Roxas!

A video, which was originally posted by "KutangBato Vlogger" in Facebook, having Mar Roxas and his team as the topic is now circling online.

The Uploader stated that the video was taken in Cotabato City. This was the rehearsal done by the team wherein the audience is instructed to shout loud based on the cheer given. According to the host of the event, the cheer "Oras na, Roxas na" should be heard loud and understandable or else they will not receive an envelope.

At the end of the video, the right time Roxas has arrived, the host was seen giving away two envelopes to two women who correctly answered the questions.

When the netizens watched the recorded video, they concluded that it was indeed a practice of vote buying. However, the said action is yet to be validated.

Watch the video to see the full story.

Source: TNP / Facebook

Look: A Dog was Allegedly Maltreated in a Pet Shop While Being Groomed?

Dog is man's best friend. It has a certain instinct in connecting to human being. That's exactly why it is the most common pet in the household. A lot of dog lovers spend a lot just to pamper their pet. From grooming, to the food and veterinary consultation, owners really  have to pay out an enormous amount. Aside from that, the whole responsibility is huge.

People might wonder why certain dog owners don't mind spending a fortune. You might know the answer if you have your own dog. The satisfaction that you can get when your pet becomes excited seeing you after a tiring day is awesome. The attachment is bizarre. That might be the reason why an owner really becomes melancholic if his dog is maltreated.

One Facebook user raged out her emotions when an attendant in a pet shop allegedly cuts the tongue of her dog.

Image from: Nathalie Dylan
Image from: Nathalie Dylan
Nathalie Dylan specifically mentioned Animal House SM Bicutan branch. She said that the service must be 'grooming,' but the terrible scenario happened. As a consolation to the awful experience, the pet shop offered the service of the in-house vet for free consultation but they were asked to pay the medicine. Chiqui Caedo Zuniga, the owner, stated that the groomer was not aware of it.

Image from: TNP

It was such a stressful moment for the dog. I couldn't just imagine how painful it is. Share your thoughts about this. :)

This site is open for statements from persons and entities involved.

Sources: WhenInManila / TNP / Facebook